
Type of the institute: Indian Institute of Technology
Complete Mailing Address: Kamand Campus, VPO Kamand, Distt. Mandi - 175075 Himachal Pradesh India
Contact Person For Admission: Shri K.K. Bajre
Designation: Registrar
Email: registrar@iitmandi.ac.in
Alternate Email:
Phone Nos: 91-1905-267015
Fax No: 91-1905-267075
Mobile No.:
About the Institute:

Founded in 2009, IIT Mandi is located in the Shivalik range of Himalayas in the serene landscape by the river Uhl, offering a world-class academic environment with a high quality of life in a setting of natural splendour. IIT Mandi’s vision is to be leader in science and technology education, knowledge creation and innovation, in an India marching towards a just, inclusive and sustainable society.

The Institute campus is located in the picturesque Uhl river valley at Kamand, which is situated at about 15 kms from the historic town of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. Mandi is located at a distance of around 475 km from Delhi and around 200 km from Chandigarh on Delhi-Manali route.

Fee Structure:


One Time Payment

Payable Each Semester


(including Hostel Charges#)

Refundable Caution Deposit


(One Time)

Medical Insurance Premium per Annum

Other Fees


(Each Semester)

Total Fees Payable at the Time of Admission

IIT Mandi


Indian Students



(₹3,650/- for all female students and other students who are exempted from the payment of tuition fee; see the website link given below for details and conditions)



Mess Advance: *




(₹: 15,150/- for all female students and other students who are exempted from the payment of tuition fee)

(including ₹2,600/- Hostel Charge but excluding Mess Advance)

IIT Mandi


Foreign students






Mess Advance: *




(including ₹7,800/- Hostel Charge but excluding Mess Advance)

Fee Structure of UG students (AY 2021-22)

 Link for Fee Structures:



1.       # Hostel Charges are ₹6,500/- per semester for Indian students and ₹19,500/- for Foreign students. However, due to Covid circumstances, the hostel charges for 1st Semester are ₹2,600/- for Indian students and ₹7800/- for Foreign students.

2.       * Mess advance is ₹13,000/- per semester. However, due to Covid circumstances, the Mess advance for 1st semester is to be deposited on a pro-rata basis before joining the campus (once informed separately).

3.       There is a possibility of change in the fee components.

(Refund Policy for Fee in respect of Undergraduate Students)


In case of


Refund Amount


If a candidate is allocated seat by JoSAA but does not join the Programme/Institute.

No Refund


If the candidate joins the programme after paying the remaining fee and leaves the Institute on or before the date of registration and applies for refund.


If the candidate is allocated seat in the last round of JoSAA and pays fee (including seat acceptance fee) directly at the Institute and withdraws on or before the date of registration and applies for refund.

The whole amount of fees deposited by the candidate at the Institute will be refunded (other than JoSAA seat acceptance fee) after deducting Rs.1000/- as processing charges.


If the candidate leaves the Institute after the date of registration and applies for refund.

Only Caution/Security deposits will be refunded (after adjusting dues, if any). Hostel/Mess components will be refunded as per Sl.No. (iv).


Hostel Rent/Charges:

  • The Caution/Security/Refundable deposits may be refunded (after adjusting the dues, if any).
  • If the withdrawal is requested before taking possession of /occupying the hostel room, full rent/charges may be refunded.
  • If the withdrawal is requested after taking possession of /occupying the hostel room, the hostel charges may be refunded on proportionate deductions of monthly charges/seat rent, Mess charges, etc. where applicable.
Academic Structure:
  IIT Mandi follows a semester system. Each academic session is divided into two regular semesters of approximately 18 weeks durations. The first semester starts in early August and ends by end of November/early December. The second semester runs from February to June.

The Institute offers B.Tech. programs in:

 1) Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

 2) Electrical Engineering (EE)

 3) Mechanical Engineering (ME)

 4) Civil Engineering (CE)

 5) Data Science and Engineering (DSE)

 6) Engineering Physics (EP)    

 7) B.Tech-M.Tech Integrated Dual Degree in Bio-Engineering (5 year program).

 The current annual intake in B.Tech. programme, including female supernumerary, is 329 (CE:49, CSE:70, EE:68, ME:58, DSE: 28, EP: 28 & Bio:28). In addition to the B.Tech programme,  IIT Mandi offers the following Post Graduate Programs: 1) M.Tech. in Materials and Energy Engineering 2) M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Energy Systems 3) M.Tech in Structural Engineering 4)  M.Tech. in Communications and Signal Processing 5) M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Drives 6) M.Tech in VLSI 7) M.Tech. in Biotechnology 8) M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering 9) M.Tech in Fluid and Thermal Engineering 10) M.Sc. in Chemistry 11) M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics 12) M.Sc. in Physics 13) Integrated-Ph.D. (I-Ph.D.) in Physics 14) M.A. in Development Studies.

Currently, IIT Mandi has 765 undergraduate B.Tech. students, 397 research scholars, of which 64 are doing MS degree (by research) and 333 are pursuing PhD in Engineering, Basic Sciences and Humanities and Social Sciences.

About the B. Tech Curriculum at IIT Mandi

The B. Tech curriculum is designed keeping in mind the need to produce well-rounded graduates many of whom will go on to join industry in technical or managerial roles, or to join the administrative services as technocrats, while a few may aspire to research careers. Some may even go on to become entrepreneurs. Thus, at IIT Mandi, a B.Tech. student is exposed to a broad range of knowledge and skills that builds on a  sturdy foundation of Engineering, basic sciences, humanities and social sciences. In the chosen BTech discipline, besides studying the core courses, the student will also study elective courses which will enable them to develop significant knowledge in a specialized area with exposure to research trends and developments. The category of free/open electives outside the chosen discipline will enable the student to obtain significant inter-disciplinary knowledge. A ‘Faculty Advisor’ guides the student throughout the entire duration of the program with regard to the planning of curriculum and other academic issues.

 Realizing the current need of interdisciplinary skill development towards successful careers, IIT Mandi has introduced a Double Major program from 2021, by which a student of one discipline is allowed to obtain a second ‘Major’ by spending an extra one or two semesters to study approximately 12 courses of another  discipline. For example, a student of Civil Engineering or Engineering Physics would be able to obtain a second major in Computer Science & Engineering. This would enable the student to sit for campus placements for CS related companies as well!

 The curriculum also allows specialization in a ‘Minor’ area, by taking a set of 3-4 courses in another discipline. For example, a Mechanical Engineering student can qualify for a minor in Applied Physics, German language, Intelligent Systems among others. A huge number of students pursue a minor in Management in preparation for admission to top MBA programs after their BTech.

 The B. Tech. degree program allows a student to go on exchange visits of up to two semesters to other universities, both in India and abroad, for course work and projects. A number of B. Tech. students have already availed these opportunities to study at international institutions. IIT Mandi’s undergraduate students have visited IIT Madras and several European Union (EU) institutions under academic exchange program including the TU9 Universities in Germany, Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, Aalto University in Finland and IT University in Denmark.

 An important aspect of the curriculum is the integration of innovation and design into the learning process. This is achieved through signature courses of IIT Mandi’s curriculum that are extremely popular among the students. These courses include: ‘Reverse engineering’ , where student teams dismantle a common gadget/equipment, understand how it works and try to improve upon it;  â€˜Design Practicum’ where student teams build novel engineering products over a semester; ‘Interactive Socio-Technical Practicum’ (ISTP) which exposes students to the complex interactions of technology and society, and familiarizes them with the necessity of taking stakeholders’ needs and opinions into account while formulating technical solutions. Interestingly, every year, a group of over 20 students from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), USA, visits IIT Mandi and joins IIT Mandi students in completing ISTP projects. The course thus has an inter-disciplinary and international collaboration component. Finally, during the fourth year, the students have the option of doing a Major Technical Project (MTP) that is expected to demonstrate a high degree of technical knowledge, innovativeness and maturity. The outcome of a B. Tech Project may be an innovative product or technology that addresses a problem of society, or it may be more theoretical or exploratory resulting in an advancement in the frontiers of knowledge.

 Overall, the curriculum at IIT Mandi is designed to encourage and enable the student to become well-qualified and well-rounded engineers in all respects.

Credit system

IIT Mandi follows the credit system with continuous internal evaluation throughout the semester. Grades for each course is awarded on a 10-point scale. The overall performance is measured by the weighted grade point averages. A student has to attain a fixed minimum of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and earned credits to pass the B. Tech degree program.

Semester Long Internship in BTech Program

Internships play a crucial role in preparing students for future careers in the real world. IIT Mandi encourages students to take the opportunity to undertake a semester long internship after a few years of coursework. This semester internship will be optional for the students and can be undertaken after obtaining due permissions from the institute. The internship can be done only in recognized and reputed industries/companies, R&D institutions or academic institutions in India and abroad. The minimum duration for this internship should be at least 14-16 weeks.

Pass/Fail grade towards the degree requirement

IIT Mandi students are provided an opportunity to explore new areas of interest by allowing them to register for courses in the ‘Pass/Fail’ mode. Although a Pass/Fail (P/F) course will count towards graduation requirements, they do not count towards the final CGPA. Such courses can be independent study courses under the mentorship of a faculty expert, research based academic or industrial projects and courses offered by online platforms supported through Government of India initiatives like SWAYAM/ NPTEL etc. At this time BTech students are allowed to register for a maximum of 9 credits (usually 3 courses).


Rules For Change Branch:

 In the case that some students may decide that they want to change their branch, IIT Mandi allows a high degree of flexibility in enabling the student to do so. Normally, at the end of the first year, any student who is in good academic standing, having done the full complement of courses and having no backlog courses to clear, can apply for a branch change. Also the student should not have been found guilty of any severe academic or disciplinary misconduct.

 Branch change applications will be considered strictly in order of merit as established by the CGPA of first-year science and engineering core courses and only to the extent of the applicant’s choices and in the order of the preferences expressed in the application. However, in granting the change of branch of a student, the strength of the branch for the given year shall not exceed the sanctioned strength by more than 25% and shall not fall below the existing strength by more than 20%. These liberal rules ensure that every student from any branch has a chance to change the branch depending on the student’s performance in the first year. For more details, please visit the following website.



Currently, the number of faculty members in IIT Mandi is 132, a majority of whom are under 40 years of age, yielding a potent blend of exuberance and experience. A number of distinguished academics and experts with industry experience are also invited to visit IIT Mandi for short durations to teach specialized courses in cutting edge technical/scientific areas.

Faculty Regular Pay Scale: 114

Deputation: Nil

Visiting Faculty on consolidated Salary: 18

Total Faculty (114 + 18 =132)

  The main campus of IIT Mandi at Kamand has well equipped class rooms and computing facilities. Good teaching laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering have been developed at Kamand campus.

   Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi, is equipped with a state-of-the-art National Knowledge Network (NKN) facility. IIT Mandi, at present, has ten sophisticated state-of-the-art interactive virtual classrooms and conference rooms (two large virtual classrooms with a seating capacity of 150 and eight virtual conference/meeting rooms). These rooms are capable of transmitting and receiving interactive high-definition video classes across the globe through the NKN backbone and eliminate the physical distance between teachers and students who are at different physical locations. These rooms are being used for conducting E-learning, classes, expert lectures, video conferences and interviews remotely from anywhere in the world. IIT Mandi is also in the process of constructing two new 350 capacity virtual lecture halls, conference rooms and a recording studio to cater to the academic & research requirements of the Institute.

 IIT Mandi hosts a high-performance computational (HPC) facility with a cluster containing 169 nodes based on Intel Xeon processors that have 2884 processor cores, memory of 11.5 TB and a 986 TB storage space. In addition, the facility hosts a GPU cluster of 33 Nvidia graphical processing units (GPU) best suited for deep learning and molecular dynamics applications. The nodes are connected to each other through dedicated Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet. The facility has 400+ registered users from the research community of IIT Mandi working on applications including avalanche dynamics, multiphase flow modelling, engineering, biotechnology, molecular dynamics, computational chemistry, amongst others. The next phase expansion of the facility will include adding 1000 cores that will have high-speed InfiniBand inter-node connectivity and high-speed parallel file system.

IIT Mandi has a Central Library as well as the Satellite libraries, located in both campuses. For more detail, click on http://library.iitmandi.ac.in/ .

Major research centers:

IIT Mandi has research centers that are equipped on par with the best institutes in the nation and that cater to the needs of advanced research on materials, biosciences, electronics and innovation. These centers offer opportunities for B.Tech. students to work on certain projects and gain valuable first-hand experience from world-class researchers.

  1. Advanced Materials Research Centre (AMRC):  http://www.iitmandi.ac.in/research/amrc/
  2. BioX Centre @ IIT Mandi: http://www.iitmandi.ac.in/research/biox/
  3. Centre for Design & Fabrication of Electronic Devices (C4DFED)https://c4dfed.com/
  4. Central Workshop
  5. Design Innovation Centre: https://iitmandi.ac.in/innovation_centre/

Other research/ teaching labs include:

School of Engineering – a Mechanical Design Lab, Survey Lab, The thermo-fluids laboratory,  the structural analysis laboratory, and The Geotechnical lab 

School of Computing and Electrical engineering: labs that cater to high performance computing, deep learning, communication engineering, distributed systems, electric drives, electric power, human-computer interaction, big data analytics, cognitive science, controls, machine learning, nano-electronics, power electronics, signal processing, Internet-of-Things, biomedical systems, device fabrication and VLSI design. For more detail, click onhttp://iitmandi.ac.in/Schools/SCEE/index.php

 Catalyst: https://www.iitmandicatalyst.in/

Launched in 2016, IIT Mandi Catalyst is the first Technology Business Incubator (TBI) in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Supported by the Department of Science and Technology [GoI], HPCED, and Meity, Catalyst provides incubation support to technology-based startups focused on creating value and impact in the economic and/or social sector. Catalyst takes special interest in startups by IIT Mandi students. Upon satisfactory performance, Catalyst commits with a startup for one to two years with a funding support of up to INR 50 Lakhs under different schemes

Student Life at Institute:

IIT Mandi has a fully residential campus with more than 1800 students residing in 6 boys’ hostels, 2 girls’ hostels and one married scholars’ apartment. At present, these hostels are situated on the two campuses. The south campus consists of four hostels; Prashar hostel, Suvalsar hostel, Nako hostel, and Chandra Taal hostel. The north campus has four hostels; Beas Kund hostel, Dashir hostel, Suraj Taal hostel, Gauri Kund hostel and married scholar apartment. Currently, there are four messes on the campus, two each on both campuses, that serve food to all hostellers. The food quality and menu in these messes are regularly supervised and controlled by the team of mess secretaries elected by the students' body. Besides, there are six canteens on campus offering a variety of food options for students.

 IIT Mandi can boast of world class hostel facilities as all the hostels are equipped with wi-fi internet connection, LCD television, washing machine, cloth dryer, microwave oven, refrigerator, electric iron and facilities for indoor games such table tennis, foosball, carom, etc. Management of the hostel is taken care of by the warden and assistant warden with the help of a caretaker. The caretaker is available in the hostel round the clock. Each hostel has its own student general body of student representatives in the form of a general secretary, cultural secretary, sports secretary, and mess secretary.

 Healthcare Facilities

 IIT Mandi has a Health Centre consisting of male and female doctors, staff nurses and pharmacist serving both the main campuses. Additionally, Specialist doctors visit once in a week to facilitate easy access for the IIT Mandi community. The Health Centre at Kamand has OPD facility, pathology lab, and basic physiotherapy facility in addition to emergency services. The Centre is also equipped with an ambulance to take care of referral and emergency medical problems. Modern healthcare facilities are available in Mandi town with a number of government and private hospitals.

Financial Assistance:

Merit-cum-Means Scholarships for General / OBC students: For details, please visit http://iitmandi.ac.in/academics/scholarship.php

Central Sector Scholarships for SC students and Top Class Education Scheme for ST students: For details, please visit http://www.scholarships.gov.in/

Please note that the scholarships are subject to MHRD or concerned ministry’s guidelines modified from time to time.

Institute Scholarships for SC/ST students: In order to encourage and support SC/ST students belonging to lower income group, the Institute provides an additional scholarship to such students. This scholarship provides Hostel Room rent exemption and a stipend of Rs.1000/- per month or mess-fee exemption (basic menu only) and Rs.250/- per month as pocket allowance for 10 months in a year. For further information, visit http://iitmandi.ac.in/academics/scholarship.php

Scholarships for Female Students:

IIT Mandi strongly believes in enabling opportunities to female students in engineering to contribute to the growth and development of our nation. Being located in the peaceful hill-state of Himachal, IIT Mandi provides safe environment for girls to pursue their engineering studies. Female students are provided with all kinds of facilities at IIT Mandi for both academic and extracurricular activities.

 All girl students admitted to the B.Tech. program are provided with full tuition fee waiver and Rs.1000/- per month stipend and it continue for four years’ subject to academic performance.

 Further information on IIT Mandi’s policy towards female students can be obtained from the below website.


Training & Placement:
Placements, internships and career guidance for the students of the Institute are managed by the Career and Placement Cell (CnPC). The cell consists of faculty members, staff and student volunteers. Companies and organizations that have visited the campus for placement and internship include DE Shaw, Intel, ST Microelectronics, Cadence, Microsoft, Amazon, CodeNation, Goldman Sachs, Razorpay, Halliburton Development Centre, Jaguar Land Rover India, Nference Labs, Publicis Sapients, IOLCP, CDAC, Robert Bosch, Internet Academy, Tonichi Insatsu, Topline, LTI, Wipro, Cognizant, TCS, Toppr, Finisar, Qualcomm, Ceremorphic, Yodlee, Buddi.Ai, iRage, Truring, eClerx, Signalchips, Slice, Pentair, Marvell Semiconductors, Webstaff, Meesho, Commvault, Decision point, L&T, Broadridge financial solutions, Lekha Wireless, SRF, NSLHUB, Siemens Gamesa, Newszera, Finisar, Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Tejas Networks, Addverb, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Ltd are a few among the top recruiters at IIT Mandi. Beginning with the first batch that graduated in 2013, the profile of the companies visiting the campus for  internships and placements, and packages offered have been continuously improving, with almost 80% of the graduating students this year having one or more offers with the highest package of INR 44 LPA and average package of 20 lakhs. Every year many of our students opt for higher studies and have secured admissions into various universities across the world including top management colleges within the country.

The CnPC also helps students to go to reputed industries to do their internships and organizes workshops and lectures to counsel and guide students with respect to various career options available to the students.

Industry And Alumni Relations:

IIT Mandi has established an Alumni Affairs. Eight batches of B. Tech graduates and several Post graduates, MS and PhD graduates are members of this Alumni Affairs. IIT Mandi maintains close relationships with its alumni with active chapters in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore and regular interaction/reunion of its Alumni. Alumni Affairs introduced Young Achiever Award (YAA), an award given to its alumni in recognition of their outstanding achievements in Academics Excellence, Professional Excellence, Entrepreneurship & Management and any other activity pertaining to the service of Humanity at large.

The Institute has developed promising research and teaching collaborations with 9 well-reputed institutions in North America and Europe. These collaborations lead to exchange visits by students and faculty members. The collaborating institutes/universities include Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, nine TU9 technical universities in Germany, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in the USA, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and Kyushu University in Japan. The collaboration with WPI has led to WPI students and IIT Mandi's BTech students working together in collaborative projects as part of the Interactive Socio-Technical Project course. IIT Mandi has also been appointed the nodal Institute for collaboration with German universities for the ‘Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration’ (SPARC) by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The Institute currently hosts students from Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia, and is exploring research and teaching collaborations with universities in Africa, Canada, and Central America in the near future.

Recreational/Extra Curricular activities:

IIT Mandi encourages students to cultivate their creativity in the form of various extra-curricular activities. Such activities are catered by Student Gymkhana of the Institute. The Student Gymkhana includes various societies viz. cultural, technical, literary and sports. Under these societies, there are different clubs which offer exploring specific interests and hobbies. The Cultural clubs include Art-Geeks, Music, Choreography, Dramatics, Photography etc. The technical section includes clubs such as Robotronics, Astronomy, Programming, Nirmaan, Yantrik etc. Notably, the institute has an annual cultural cum technical festival, known as EXODIA. As a part of this festival, students from renowned technical institutions from all over the country participate. Every year, IIT Mandi also participates in various inter-IIT activities and meets to show-case extracurricular activities of the institute. In the past, the students have represented IIT Mandi at the international level of sports and technical activities, and achieved a significant number of awards and prizes.

Research Society

ACM Chapter: Organizes hackathons and programming challenges in collaboration with the Programming Club. The events usually have a focus on open-source platforms.

SCRI aims at providing a collaborative platform for extensive, effective and sustainable research and innovations. SCRI is a platform to provide good opportunities for students of any field or Discipline and it gives exposure to Interdisciplinary Research areas. For more detail, click on: https://scri.iitmandi.ac.in/

Science and Technology council
The Science and Technology Council is headed by Technical Affairs Secretary; it has seven clubs under it as of now. Each club has its own activities and funding for giving students exposure to various technical activities through events both within and without the Institute. The major events for the SNTC are Inter-IIT Tech Meet, Avishkar, Utkarsh and events in other IITs and technical institutes.
The clubs under SNTC include Robotronics Club, Space Technology and Astronomy Cell (STAC), Programming Club,  SAE Collegiate, Entrepreneurship Development Cell (E-Cell) and Yaantrik Club. 

IEEE: The club publishes reports and info about the research done in the field of electrical engineering.

Cultural Society, IIT Mandi 

Cultural Society: The Cultural Society of IIT Mandi strives to attain and improve cultural diversity at the campus by organizing various cultural events and contests. Society provides various opportunities for the students to relax and enjoy amidst rigorous academics. The society also aims to curate artistic excellence among the students in various art forms. The society consists of 6 clubs viz., Music Club, Dance Club, Drama Club, Designing Club, Photography and Moviemaking Club and Fine Arts Club. 

Literary Society

Literary society is an integral part of student's gymkhana coordinated by elected students' representative and advised by faculty member of the Institute. The LS emphasizes exposure to not only English literature but also regional and vernacular pieces as well through Open Houses, Youth Parliament, Poetry recitation, scribbles, crosswords and so on. The LS organizes various events and programs and encourages students to cultivate abilities of reading, writing, narrating and composition of literary pieces. The LS is responsible for editing and publication of Institute magazine, Vivaan. In the year 2019, the Literary Society started inter-college literary festival, Ruvaan. During Ruvaan, the Literary Society organized Modern United Nations and Kavyanjali (Kavi Sammelan) wherein the society invited several upcoming and established poets.

Literary Society Clubs include Quizzing Club, Debating Club, Writing Club

Sports Society

 Sports is an integral part of campus life at IIT Mandi. From the very beginning, the Institute believed in the role of sports and other physical activities for the overall personality development of the students. Sports facilities here are diverse, both indoor and outdoor, along with the availability of experienced and dedicated coaches for most of the games. Program of the NSO (National Sports Organization) is an official sports program of IIT Mandi and is opted by many students as an extra-curricular activity. Each First-Year student gets an opportunity to choose one stream from NSO, NSS (National Service Scheme), or Hiking.

During previous years, students participate in various intra- and inter-institution sports meets and tournaments including the annual Inter-IIT Sports Meet that has witnessed increased contingent size over the years and distinguished performance in many fields by winning medals in individual as well as team events. Students are encouraged and supported generously to pursue their passion for sports at any level. Participation in state, national and international championships has also brought glory. Students at IIT Mandi won international medals in para-Olympic badminton and state championship in Table Tennis. An alumnus of the Institute currently holds the 3rd rank in international para-badminton and has won many medals at the national and international level, including his achievements of winning a silver medal in the World Championship 2019, and bronze medal in Asian Games 2018.

IIT Mandi has two campuses – South and North. Both campuses are well equipped with sports facilities and state-of-the-art equipment. Multiple facilities are available for Athletics, Football, Badminton, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Squash, Swimming, Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, weightlifting along with a Cricket field in the valley of the South Campus. There are well-equipped gyms and unique open-air gyms. Indoor games such as chess and bridge are also quite popular among the students. IIT Mandi Chess team made an entry to the Inter-IIT Sports Meet in 2019. Other than that, each hostel also has sports equipment for the use of the hostel residents. Two more clubs are unique, thanks to the Himalayan range within which the Institute is located: a Hiking and Trekking Club, and a Mountain Biking Club. Both clubs witnessed the growing participation of students with increased enthusiasm in recent years. Well-guided short treks and biking trips are organized frequently along with some multi-day trekking and camping endeavors. Finally, there are many long and short walking trails through the pristine mountain sceneries that can always be a part of everyday life: these walks present an opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the place, the flora and fauna, seasonal mountain springs, horseshoe bends of the river, and people living around and their lifestyles.  

Hiking and Trekking Club (HnT): Living in the Himalayas, has given us a major opportunity to explore its wondrous trails. Our club explores the various trails available in our state. In an attempt to expand our reach, we have recently conducted a trek in Uttarakhand as well. Several hikes and treks, of difficulty level easy to hard, are conducted each year. If you feel underprepared to trek, we have you covered! We organize a preparation camp before every trek. A boost to this preparedness is the survival camp which is organized yearly wherein activities such as rock climbing, river crossing, camping, etc. are organized. We organize talks as well as screen movies to keep your fire fueling! Apart from the treks themselves, we give you opportunities to hone your photography and writing skills through trek documentation. 

Website: https://hnt.iitmandi.co.in/

Link of our blogs: https://medium.com/@hnt_11084

YouTube video: https://youtu.be/cYF_Qk6fvnI

Location and Accessibility:
Mandi is a central town of Himachal Pradesh. It is accessible from Delhi and Chandigarh. The distance between Delhi and Mandi is around 475 km which is covered in 10-12 hrs by road. An alternative is to travel by train up to Kiratpur Sahib or Chandigarh, then 5 hours by road to Mandi. Mandi is 200 kms from Chandigarh, about 6 hrs by bus or 5 hrs by taxi. Delhi–Mandi buses pass through Chandigarh and some buses start from Chandigarh itself to Mandi. The nearest airport to Mandi is the Bhuntar Airport near Kullu. One can also fly to Dharamshala from Delhi and reach Mandi by road, the distance being around 130 KM.

Academic Programwise Seats breakup:
Institute CodeProgram CodeAcademic Program NameState/All India SeatsSeat PoolOPENOPEN-PwDGEN-EWSGEN-EWS-PwDSCSC-PwDSTST-PwDOBC-NCLOBC-NCL-PwDTotal(includes Female Supernumerary)
Seat Capacity Female Supernumerary
103 4109 Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 15 1 3 1 6 0 3 0 10 0 39
45 4
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 10
(including "4" Supernumerary)
103 4110 Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 22 1 6 0 8 0 3 1 14 1 56
64 6
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 6 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 0 14
(including "6" Supernumerary)
103 4111 Electrical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 21 1 4 1 7 1 4 0 15 0 54
65 3
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 6 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 1 14
(including "3" Supernumerary)
103 4117 Engineering Physics (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 8 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 6 0 22
28 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 6
(including "0" Supernumerary)
103 4125 Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 18 1 5 0 7 0 3 0 11 1 46
52 6
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 5 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 12
(including "6" Supernumerary)
103 4187 Data Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 8 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 6 0 22
28 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 6
(including "0" Supernumerary)
103 520D Bio Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) All India Gender-Neutral 8 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 6 0 22
28 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 6
(including "0" Supernumerary)
     Total Seats 127 7 0 0 45 3 23 1 86 4 329
310 19

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