
Type of the institute: Indian Institute of Technology
Complete Mailing Address: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee Haridwar-247667 Uttarakhand India
Contact Person For Admission: Assistant Registrar (AAO)
Designation: Assistant Registrar
Email: admnreg2021@iitr.ac.in
Alternate Email:
Phone Nos:
Fax No:
Mobile No.:
About the Institute:

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee is one of the leading Institutes of National Importance in higher technological education and in basic and applied research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing technical manpower and know-how to the country. It’s contributions in cutting edge research in Science, Technology, Architecture, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences are globally revered. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological institutions in the world and has influenced all sectors of technological development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the fields mentioned above.

The Institute has completed 173 years of its glorious existence. The Government of India declared it as the nation’s seventh Indian Institute of Technology on September 21, 2001.

The Institute offers Bachelor's Degree courses in eleven disciplines of Engineering and Architecture, two Integrated Masters (IMT) programmes in Technology and four BS-MS 5-year (4+1) dual degree programmes in Sciences and Economics apart from 53 Postgraduate courses in various disciplines of Engineering, Applied Science, Architecture and Planning, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. The Institute offers doctoral degree in all Departments and Research Centres. The Institute is in the process of offering under graduate courses in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences under the Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

The Institute admits students to B. Arch., B. Tech., IMT, BS-MS courses through the Joint Entrance Examination - JEE (Advanced).


“To attain global level of excellence in education and to create a sustainable and equitable society through innovative research in science and technology.”


To create an environment that shall foster the growth of intellectually capable, innovative and entrepreneurial professionals, who shall contribute to the growth of Science and Technology in partnership with industry and develop and harness it for the welfare of the nation and mankind.

Core Values:

§   Academic integrity and accountability

§   Respect and tolerance for the views of every individual

§   Attention to issues of national relevance as well as of global concern

§   Holistic understanding, including knowledge of the human sciences

§   Appreciation of intellectual excellence and creativity

§   An unfettered spirit of learning exploration, rationality and enterprise

§   Sensitivity to social responsibilities

For more details, please visit: https://www.iitr.ac.in/

Important Contacts:

Contact Person for Admission-Registration: Assistant Registrar (AAO)

Designation: Assistant Registrar

Email: admnreg2021@iitr.ac.in

Phone Nos: 01332-284289/4010

Contact Person for Fee Structure: Mr. Anil Kumar

Designation: Project Assistant (Admin)

Email: dsw2@iitr.ac.in

Phone No.: 01332-284239

Contact Person for Fee Deposit: Shri Anupam Saini

Designation: Jr. Supdt.

Email: sa-section@iitr.ac.in

Alternate Email: accounts22@iitr.ac.in

Phone No.: 01332-284222

Contact Person for Faculty related information: Assistant Registrar (Establishment Services 'A')

Designation: Assistant Registrar

Email: vijayaraj.aad@iitr.ac.in

Alternate Email: dfa-office@iitr.ac.in

Phone No.:  01332-286511

Contact Person for Hostels: Mr. Rohit Kumar

Designation: Project Assistant (Admin)

Email:  dsw1@iitr.ac.in

Contact Person for Scholarship/Medals and Financial Assistance: Dr. Dheeraj Kumar Khatod

Designation: Chairperson, SCSP

Email: ch.awards@iitr.ac.in

Alternate Email: awards@iitr.ac.in

Phone No.: 01332-284750 / 01332-285750

Contact Person for Placement: Prof. Vinay Sharma

Designation: Professor-in-Charge, Placement and Internship

Email: placement@iitr.ac.in

Alternate Email: pic@iitr.ac.in

Phone No.: 01332-285260


Details of the Institute Luminaries are given at:


Important Information for the students admitted to IIT Roorkee on the basis of JEE (Advanced) 2021:

Fee Structure:

Fee structure for B.Tech./ B.Arch. /B.S./B.S.-M.S./ Int. M.Sc./ Int. M.Tech. I Year & Preparatory Course students admitted through JEE advanced




Indian nationals (Rs.)

Foreign nationals including OCI/PIO cardholders (Rs.)




I. Semester Fees (To be paid every Semester)



1. Institute Fees



(a)  Tuition Fees – Gen/OBC



(b) Tuition Fees – SC/ST/PD (Not chargeable)


(c) Tuition Fees for the most economically backward students (whose family income is less than Rs. 1 lakh per annum)


(d) Tuition Fees for the other economically backward students (whose family income is between Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh per annum) after remission of 2/3rd of the fee


2. Semester charges



(a) Gymkhana



(b) Medical Insurance



(c) Miscellaneous



 Total (a+b+c)



3. Hostel Charges (Per Semester)



(a) Accommodation



(b) Electricity*



Total (a+b)



II. One time payments  at the Time of Admission



III. Industrial Tour



IV. Deposits (Refundable)



(a) Institute Caution Deposit



(b) Library Deposit



Total (a+b)



V. Mess Charges



(a) Mess Advance towards Food Charges**



(b) One Time Mess Admission Fee  (Non-refundable)



(c) Mess Security (Refundable) #



(d) Mess Establishment Charges #



Total (a+b+c+d)



Grand Total for Gen/OBC



Grand Total for SC/ST/PD


Grand Total for the most economically backward students (whose family income is less than Rs. 1 lakh per annum)


Grand Total for the other economically backward students (whose family income is between Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh per annum) after remission of 2/3rd of the fee



          1.      * This is the minimum charge for Bachelor Hostel. For married accommodation charges will be as per actual.

          2.      ** Mess Advance towards food charges is subject to adjustment as per actual.

          3.      # Mess security/Mess establishment to be revised.

          4.       Candidates admitted under EWS have to pay fee according to their respective categories i.e. General/OBC/SCST/PD.

            5.   ^ For the top ranked 20 students (among those who will be joining IIT Roorkee) from the countries listed in https://ir.iitr.ac.in/Fee_Structure, the tuition fee will be Rs 100000.
Academic Structure:
Academic Information
The Institute offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Ph.D programs across various departments and centres. The undergraduate programs include
1. Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.)
2. Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)
3. Integrated Master of Technology (IMT)
4. Five year BS-MS.

Five year BS-MS is a new program starting from 2021-22 with an exit option after four years with a BS degree.
The program is available in four disciplines:

(i)   BS-MS (Mathematics and Computing)
(ii)  BS-MS (Physics)
(iii) BS-MS (Chemical Sciences)
(iv) BS-MS (Economics)

Students who joined for a B.Tech program can also opt to switch over to any of those M.Tech. programmes whose eligibility criteria is satisfied by the B.Tech branch. The conversion would require a minimum CGPA of 7.5 at the end of 3rd year and the consent of the DAPCs of the concerned Departments. On successful completion of the programme, the students will get corresponding BTech and MTech degrees under the Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) Programmes.

Some of the key features relevant to undergraduate programs are provided below. For more details on academic information and programs, please visit:

Important Information for the students admitted to IIT Roorkee on the basis of JEE (Advanced) 2021:

Rules For Change Branch:

The Institute provides opportunity for branch change to students who are admitted through JEE (Advanced) except those admitted to B.Arch. Programme at the end of the Autumn Semester (First Semester) of the first year provided that the students satisfy the required criteria.


Minor Specialization Courses

A student desirous of excelling in some specialization other than her/his own department may earn required credits by completing the specified courses in the specialization area in another department. These students are given Degree in the main engineering area with Minor Specialization in another area. For example, an Engineering Physics student can earn a Minor Specialisation in Electronics and Communication, and/or a Production and Industrial Engineering student can earn a Minor Specialisation in Economics.

Semester Exchange and B Tech Projects Outside IIT Roorkee

There are provisions for the UG students to go to some selected Universities/Institutions under Semester Exchange Program and/or to carry out their B Tech projects outside lIT Roorkee.


IIT Roorkee has 494 faculty members in various disciplines of Science, Technology, Architecture, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. The basic responsibilities of the faculty are teaching, research, technology development, dissemination and outreach, and industrial interaction. IIT Roorkee faculty also help and mentor other institutes and engineering colleges in developing undergraduate and post graduate course curriculum. A large number of faculty members from engineering colleges across the country are trained every year under Quality Improvement Programme, an initiative of AICTE and other similar programmes of the Government of India. A large number of short-term training programmes for in-service engineers and engineering college teachers are also organized for upgradation and improvement of knowledge and skills.

IIT Roorkee has several multi-disciplinary departments/centers, some of which are unique in the country. These departments/centers provide opportunity for research collaboration between pure and applied sciences and different disciplines of engineering. IIT Roorkee faculty have been actively interacting with the industry through sponsored research and consultancy projects and have played an important role in several large projects of national importance.

IIT Roorkee selects its faculty members through a rigorous process involving screening at Department and Institute levels and an interview by a statutorily constituted selection committee which includes eminent expert members, Head of the concerned department and the Director. The candidates make research presentations in the Departments prior to the interview.

Being the first engineering college in India and among the first few in the world, IIT Roorkee has a rich legacy and takes pride in its traditions and moral values. IIT Roorkee faculty members maintain intense interaction with the students and nurture them to evolve as good citizens in addition to developing their intellectual and academic competence.

Kindly visit the following link:


Student Life at Institute:
Our homes away from home are as modern as they can be. More importantly, these have spawned the cultures that make the campus an unforgettable experience. It's here that midnight cricket tournaments, community computer warfare and so many other things find expression.
All hostels are now fully Wifi enabled and LAN connected, meaning that the Internet permeates the space the students live in.
For More information, follow the link given below.

Boys' Hostels: The Institute has ten boys Hostels:

·      Azad Bhawan

·      Cautley Bhawan

·      Ganga Bhawan

·      Govind Bhawan

·      Jawahar Bhawan

·      Radhakrishnan Bhawan

·      Rajendra Bhawan

·      Rajiv Bhawan

·      Ravindra Bhawan

·      Malviya Bhawan

Girls' Hostels : The Institute has three Girls Hostels:

·      Sarojini Bhawan

·      Kasturba Bhawan

·      Indira Bhawan                           

Married Hostels: The Institute also has six Married Hostels:

·      G.P. Hostel

·      M.R. Chopra

·      Azad Wing

·      D.S. Barrack

·      A.N. Khosla House

·      K.I.H.

Co-ed Hostel:

New Hostel Vigyan Kunj


·      U.G. Club

·      PG Club

·      Alaknanda Club


·      Badminton

·      Athletics

·      Rowing

·      Tennis

·      Swimming

·      Hockey

·      Cricket

·      Squash

·      Gymnastic

·      Football

·      Basketball

·      Yoga

·      Volleyball

·      Kho Kho

·      Table Tennis

·      Weight Lifting

·      IMG                      

·      UBA                     

·      Cognizance

·      Geek Gazette

·      HEC

·      NCC

·      NSS

·      SAC

·      ShARE

·      Sanskrit Club

·      Spic Macay

Cultural Council:

·      Dramatics Section

·      Choreography Sec.

·      Programme Management

·      Section

·      Audio Section

·      Light Section

·      Music Section

·      Literary Section

·      Watch Out

·      Kshitij

·      Cinematic Section

Technical Societies:

·      CHESS

·      CEC

·      EDC

·      IEEE

·      EESS

·      MIES

·      SAE

·      ASME

·      ACM

·      AWWA

Facilities:    https://www.iitr.ac.in/campus_life/pages/Facilities.html

·         Cafeteria

·         Hangout Places

·         Banks

·         Post Office

·         Aarohi Child Care Centre and Playgroup

·         Railway Reservation Counter

·         Institute Hospital

·         Places of Worship

·         Security

·         Khosla International House (KIH)

·         N.C. Nigam Visitors’ Hostel

·         Faculty Home                

·         Trainees Officers’ Hostel                                 

Wellness Centre:

The institute has one wellness centre that is an open, receptive and safe forum to share any problem of students.

Details at :https://www.iitr.ac.in/counselling/pages/_Wellness_Center__Formerly_known_as_Counselling_Cell__IIT__Roorkee.html

Financial Assistance:
The Institute has created a single window system for all Scholarships and related matters by creating the office of Chairperson, Senate Committee for Scholarships and Prizes (SCSP). Currently following financial assistance/ scholarships/ awards etc. are available to the students of IIT Roorkee.

(1) James Thomason Scholarship: Students having up to 250 All India Rank in JEE (Advanced) are eligible for James Thomason Scholarship. All such students admitted to IIT Roorkee get Rs. 25,000/- per month for the entire duration of their program. They will be expected to obtain a CGPA of 8.0 or above at the end of every academic year.

(2) Merit cum means Scholarship: A UG student who is an MCM scholarship beneficiary gets tuition fee reimbursement and additionally ₹1,000 per month for 10 months. Whereas an M.Sc. student who is an MCM scholarship beneficiary gets ₹1,000 per month for 10 months. It is given to General/OBC category students who fulfill the following conditions:

(i) Gross Income of parents (Father/ Mother/ Both) for the previous financial year is not more than Rs. 5,00,000/- per annum.
(ii) CGPA and YGPA is 7.00 OR above.
(iii) All registered courses have been cleared.
(iv) Available only for the normal duration of the program. For dual degree students, it is available only up to the 4th year.
(v) The student has not been penalized for unfair means/ indiscipline.
(vi) Available up to 25% of the actual strength of the class.

It is applicable to only new students, admitted through JEE-Adv. or JAM AIR. In subsequent years, their academic performance in the preceding academic year is the criterion. ITR of the parents (both mother and father) of the current assessment year is used as a proof of income. A student whose family income falls below the prescribed limit at any point during the course of his/her programme is eligible to be considered for an award of MCM scholarship from the next academic year.

(3) Tuition Fee waiver and Free Messing: All SC/ST/PH students get complete tuition fee waiver. Those SC/ST students whose family income does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/- per annum can apply for free messing (only basic menu) and a pocket allowance of Rs. 250/- per month. Such students are also exempted from payment of Hostel Room Rent. In case a student does not seek free messing, he/she gets a pocket allowance of Rs. 1,000/- per month.

(4) Tuition Fee Waiver: All students whose family income is less than Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum get full tuition fee waiver while students whose family income is between Rs. 1,00,000/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- per annum get 2/3rd tuition fee waiver.

(5) DST-INSPIRE Scholarship for 5 Year Integrated M.Sc. Programmes: A student taking admission in the 5-year Integrated M.Sc. programme can get INSPIRE Scholarship of Rs. 60,000/- per year, provided he/she satisfies the criteria decided by DST. Under this scholarship, awardees are also reimbursed expenses up to Rs. 20,000/- for doing projects in Indian/ foreign institutes which covers cost of travel and other related expenses.

(6) MHRD Fellowship for 5th Year students of IDD Programmes: A student registered for the 5-year of the IDD programme who has cleared all the course work requirements up to the fourth year of the programme and (i) has a CGPA not less than 8.0 without GATE, or (ii) has qualified GATE with at least 5.0 CGPA, is offered MHRD scholarship of Rs. 8,000/- per month.

Other scholarships are instituted by donations from individuals, trusts, organizations, PSU’s, State Governments and Central Government with a view to provide financial assistance to needy and meritorious students. Announcements on the eligibility and value of these scholarships, stipends, etc. are made at the time of inviting applications for the same, from time to time.

SCSP office provides necessary support to facilitate drawing scholarships from external sources (corporate houses/ Trusts/ employer of parents etc.).

Medals & Awards

The Institute has a large number of awards and medals including cash prizes for excellence in academics, social service, youth leadership, co-curricular activities, and sports. Some of these medals/ prizes are awarded at the Annual Convocation of the institute.
Some of the notable medals/prizes for graduating students are as follows:

(1) President Gold Medal

Awarded to the student having the highest CGPA amongst the B. Tech. / B. Arch. / IDD / Int. M.Sc. / Int. M. Tech. graduating students admitted though JEE (Advanced).

(2) Institute Silver Medal

Awarded to the student having the second highest CGPA amongst the B. Tech. / B. Arch. / IDD / Int. M.Sc. / Int. M. Tech. graduating students admitted though JEE (Advanced).

(3)  Institute Bronze Medal

Awarded to the student having the third highest CGPA amongst the B. Tech. / B. Arch. / IDD / Int. M.Sc. / Int. M. Tech. graduating students admitted though JEE (Advanced).

(4)  Director Gold Medal

Awarded to the best all-rounder performance amongst the B. Tech. / B. Arch. / IDD / Int. M.Sc. / Int. M. Tech. graduating students admitted through JEE (Advanced). The candidate must have secured minimum 9.0 CGPA.

(5)  Department Gold Medal

One Department Gold medal for each UG programme for getting the highest CGPA in the programme provided the CGPA is  at least 8.5.

(6) Best project Award

Given to the best B. Tech. Project from each department. This award carries a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- subject to each team member getting a minimum of Rs. 5,000/-.

(7)  The President of India Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Gold Medal

Given to a student for excellent contributions in the area of academic and social service. Nominations are invited from all graduating UG/PG students who are maintaining a CGPA of 8.0 or above.

(8)  Dr. Jai Krishna Gold Medal

Given to a student for excellence in academics and youth leadership. Nominations are invited from all graduating B.Tech./ B.Arch./ IDD/ Int. M.Sc. / Int. M. Tech.  students admitted though JEE (Advanced) who are maintaining CGPA of 8.0 or above.

Other awards, available to B.Tech. students during their stay at the campus, are as follows:

(1)  Nayyar Award for Excellence in Communication: Cash Prizes of Rs. 1,00,000/- are given for excellence in communication.

(2)  Manoj Jain Award for Human Values:  Cash Prize of Rs. 50,000/- is given to the recipient of this award. It is given on the basis of excellence in human values.

(3)  Encore Awards: Cash Prizes of Rs. 2,80,000/- are given every year on the basis of scholastic performance, cultural, literary accomplishments, sporting proficiency and leadership qualities.

(4)  Harshwardhan Award for Excellence in Leadership:  Cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- each is given to two students to recognize and honour the leadership skills of students who actively contribute in student campus groups at Bhawan, Department/Centre or Institute level.

To know more about various other awards, scholarships and prizes, please visit website https://scsp.iitr.ac.in/
Training & Placement:
The Placement and Internship activities continue to grow under the guidance of Professor-in-Charge, Placement and Internship, IIT Roorkee. A student placement team along with the Placement Cell and Placement Advisory Council (consisting of student representatives from the final year academic programmes and the faculty in-charge from each academic departments/centres) work around the year to look after the smooth execution of the activities. Under the Campus Recruitment Campaign, companies from all sectors (i.e. Core, IT, FMCG, Oil/Energy, Government, Academics, R&D and Financial etc. and others related to all the streams) are invited for the internships and placement recruitment. The remarkable progress in the placement records over the years is evident in the data and rankings. Every year, there is an increase in the number of companies visiting the campus. Approximately, 370 new companies have been added in the last three years. During the academic year 2020-21, a total of 907 job offers from 298 recruiting organizations for Placement and 441 internship offers from 120 organizations have been received. For more information, kindly visit link: https://www.iitr.ac.in/Placements/pages/index.html
Industry And Alumni Relations:
The alumni of IIT Roorkee (erstwhile University of Roorkee) have contributed immensely to the growth and development of our nation ranging from Infrastructure development to Service sector. Our alumni have occupied very important positions in India and abroad, in the fields of administration, academia, research and engineering services. Many have excelled in entrepreneurship in corporate sectors. Industry-academia interaction with the collaboration of our faculty members, current students and alumni has augmented in taking our labs to the corporate houses and governance. There are thousands of alumni spread all over the world and we constantly strive to nurture and sustain the relationship with them.

The highly enriched alumni of IITR is a link between the past and the present which paves way for the future. Their feedback and inputs help faculty members with research focus on the needs of the country and innovations. They keep contributing for the development of the institute and IIT Roorkee cherishes the warm bond with its alumni. Besides monetary contributions, the alumni have contributed immensely towards enriching the academic resources of the Institute.

IIT Roorkee is the only Institute in India which has seen the test of time before independence, after independence and during the global economic liberation. Spanning over an alumni history of more than 160 years, it has its presence in every aspect of life of global significance. The strength of our alumni is the pride of IIT Roorkee and together we shall endeavor at all times to serve the cause of humanity.
Recreational/Extra Curricular activities:

Location and Accessibility:
The Institute is situated on the National Highways 58 and 73 and is on Amritsar-Howrah main rail route. It is 170 kilometres from Delhi, 29 kilometres from Haridwar and 75 kilometres from Dehradun.

By Road:
Traveling from Delhi, the highway NH-58, Roorkee is located towards north approximately 170 kilometers. The city of Haridwar is located further on the same highway about 29 kilometers from Roorkee.

By Air:
The nearest airport to Roorkee is the Dehradun airport at Jolly Grant which has air services from New Delhi. But the most preferable airport from Roorkee is the Indira Gandhi International Airport at new Delhi which is about 180 kilometers away.

By Train:
Roorkee is well connected to Delhi by rail and road. Some trains which are convenient for travelling between Delhi and Roorkee are New Delhi-Dehradun-New Delhi Shatabdi Express and Dehradun-New Delhi-Dehradun Jan Shatabdi Express. Other important trains touch Roorkee are:

Indore - Dehradun Express
Ujjain – Dehradun Express
Bombay – Dehradun Express

The climate of Roorkee is generally warm and temperate. During the summers, the maximum temperature soars up to 40-43 ˚C while during the winters, it sometimes falls as low as 1 ˚C.  Mostly the winters are very chilly.
Academic Programwise Seats breakup:
Institute CodeProgram CodeAcademic Program NameState/All India SeatsSeat PoolOPENOPEN-PwDGEN-EWSGEN-EWS-PwDSCSC-PwDSTST-PwDOBC-NCLOBC-NCL-PwDTotal(includes Female Supernumerary)
Seat Capacity Female Supernumerary
113 4107 Chemical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 39 2 9 1 14 1 7 1 26 1 101
119 8
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 10 1 2 0 4 0 2 0 7 0 26
(including "8" Supernumerary)
113 4109 Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 60 3 14 1 22 1 11 1 40 2 155
169 25
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 15 1 3 0 5 1 3 0 10 1 39
(including "25" Supernumerary)
113 4110 Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 33 2 9 0 12 1 7 0 22 1 87
94 15
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 8 1 1 1 3 0 2 0 6 0 22
(including "15" Supernumerary)
113 4111 Electrical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 51 3 12 1 19 1 9 1 33 2 132
150 15
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 13 1 3 0 4 1 2 0 8 1 33
(including "15" Supernumerary)
113 4114 Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 33 2 9 0 12 1 7 0 22 1 87
100 9
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 8 1 3 0 3 0 1 0 6 0 22
(including "9" Supernumerary)
113 4117 Engineering Physics (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 15 1 4 0 6 0 3 0 10 1 40
47 3
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 10
(including "3" Supernumerary)
113 4125 Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 46 2 11 1 17 1 8 1 31 2 120
125 25
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 11 1 3 0 5 0 2 0 7 1 30
(including "25" Supernumerary)
113 4127 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 27 2 6 1 10 1 6 0 19 1 73
80 12
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 8 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 4 1 19
(including "12" Supernumerary)
113 4136 Production and Industrial Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 18 1 4 0 7 0 3 0 12 1 46
50 8
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 5 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 12
(including "8" Supernumerary)
113 4194 Biosciences and Bioengineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 13 1 4 0 5 0 3 0 9 1 36
44 2
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 10
(including "2" Supernumerary)
113 5101 Architecture (5 Years, Bachelor of Architecture) All India Gender-Neutral 11 1 3 0 3 1 2 0 7 1 29
37 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 8
(including "0" Supernumerary)
113 5302 Geological Technology (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 11 1 3 0 5 0 2 0 8 0 30
38 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 8
(including "0" Supernumerary)
113 5303 Geophysical Technology (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 13 1 3 0 5 0 2 0 7 1 32
38 3
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 3 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 9
(including "3" Supernumerary)
113 5602 Physics (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) All India Gender-Neutral 9 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 6 0 21
25 2
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 6
(including "2" Supernumerary)
113 5606 Mathematics & Computing (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) All India Gender-Neutral 14 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 9 0 33
37 5
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 9
(including "5" Supernumerary)
113 5607 Chemical Sciences (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) All India Gender-Neutral 11 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 8 0 28
35 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 7
(including "0" Supernumerary)
113 5608 Economics (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) All India Gender-Neutral 10 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 7 0 26
33 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 7
(including "0" Supernumerary)
     Total Seats 520 28 0 0 192 10 97 5 347 19 1353
1221 132

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