Industry Institute Interaction (III) Cell
The Institute has very dynamic Industry Institute Interaction Cell since 1989. The academic departments have been carrying out various activities envisaged under the III independently and with support from the III Cell, as deemed necessary. The Objectives of Industry Institute Interaction Cell are mainly -
Ø To evolve educational programmes which are consistent with the broad requirements of the industry and which can give rise to engineering personnel capable of coping-up with the accelerating pace of the technological development.
Ø To create adequate facilities of updating knowledge of professional engineers and technologists to meet growth and developmental needs of the industry
Ø To coordinate the research and developmental activities of the two systems
Ø In light of the liberal economic and industrial policy recently adopted by the Govt. of India, the industrial scenario is fast changing. Industries are compelled to export a part of their production and compete with multinationals for the internal market. The emphasis has shifted to quality products and well trained manpower to produce such products. There has been a greater need for industries to depend on technical institutions for R&D and for supply of highly qualified and skilled manpower. Retraining of the work force has become major activity for all industries. There is, thus a good opportunity for institute to interact with industries for mutual benefits.
Ø The Industry-Institute Interaction would accrue mutual benefits when a symbiotic relationship is developed between the two systems. The ultimate aim of this relationship will be the creation of confidence in industry by the Institute which would result industries involving voluntarily the Institute at various stages of its development.
Ø Under flagship of III Cell, Institute has made a considerable progress in regard to signing a MoU with various organizations in India and abroad. Orgnaizations with whom MoU is signed in last two years includes National Disaster Management Authority (New Delhi), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Nagpur), Persistent Systems Ltd. (Nagpur), Windsun Renewable Pvt. Ltd. (Nagpur), Minex Metallurgical Co. Ltd.( Mumbai), Fireblaze Technologies Pvt. Ltd.( Nagpur), IC Electricals Co. Pvt. Ltd. (Haridwar), Purti Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (Nagpur), Agile Connect Pvt. Ltd. (Nagpur), Research for Resurgence Foundation (Nagpur), YASKAWA India Pvt. Ltd.( Bangalore), Government College of Engineering( Jalgaon), IIIT -Nagpur etc.
Ø III Cell arranges lectures from Industry Experts for the students. An effort is taken to form at least 20% of core course curriculum is covered by Industry experts. III Cell also arranges student internship in various industries.
_Alumni Association
Ø Institute has strong Alumni association and has very distinguished alumni working in various Government and Non-Government sector. The mission of the VNIT Alumni Association (VNITAA), Nagpur is to bring all alumni under a common umbrella for the purpose of professional networking, intellectual engagement, fostering fellowship and building a bridge between alumni and current students.
Ø Through mentoring activities, industry events, awards and scholarships and promoting discussion of issues relevant to our profession, alumni aim to help VNIT to produce Engineers and Architects of the highest caliber, while creating a vibrant professional culture capable of addressing the technological needs of the global society.
Ø Alumni Association has chapters in various cities/states in India viz New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Banguluru, Gujrat & also in USA
Ø Vibrant and active VNIT Alumni Association financed, planned and executed infrastructural development projects worth Rs.3.5 Crores in One and half years
Activities of Alumni Association at Institute:
1. Scholarship Program
2. Freshers connect program
3. Mentorship Program
4. Organizing workshops
5. Transcripts on demand facilities
6. Guest Lectures
7. Internship
8. Launched Entrepreneurship open course from current year.
Many other activities in support of Institute and favoring students are carried by the Alumni association. Alumni association honours distinguished Alumnus from time to time. There is face book page of association.
Distinguished Alumni:
Dr.Vijay Bhatkar - Chancellor of Nalanda University, Architect of India's first supercomputer, Author, Scientist, Educationist and IT Leader, Founder Executive Director of C-DAC. Mr. Jayant Apte - Retired Air Vice Marshal, Currently Freelancer-Aviation & Management Consultant
Mr. P M Telang - Retired as MD Tata Motors 2012. Functional expertise in automotive Industry & Machine Manufacturing.
Mr. Kamal Kishore Sharda - Chairman & MD, Sharda Solutions & Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Dr. Dinesh Keskar - Ex President, Boeing India & Vice President, Boeing International Trading.
Mr. Pradeep Kar - Founder/MD/Chairman of Microland, India's Leading provider of outsourced IT infrastructure management services.
Mr. M S Unnikrishanan - MD & CEO Thermax India Ltd.
Dr. B.S. Murty - Director, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
VNIT Nagpur Alumni Association (VNITAA) is registered as a company under Section 25 (Non Profit) of the Indian Companies Act. Alumni Association has Certificate of Incorporation, PAN card and income tax exemption certificate 80 G. Please visit our site for any details.