
Type of the institute: Indian Institute of Information Technology
Complete Mailing Address: Indian Institute of Information Technology Raichur, Government Engineering College Yermarus Campus, Raichur 584135.
Contact Person For Admission: Ms Chanchala Devi D
Designation: Deputy Registrar Academics
Email: dr.acad@iith.ac.in
Alternate Email: ar.acadug@iith.ac.in
Phone Nos: 04023016057
Fax No: 040 2301 6000
Mobile No.:
About the Institute:

IIIT Raichur is one of the new IIITs established by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India, located at Raichur, Karnataka state. IIIT Raichur is an Institute of national importance as per the Indian Institutes of Information Technology Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020. IIIT Raichur started its academic activity in August 2019 with its first batch of BTech students in Computer Science and Engineering.

 The institute has started functioning from Raichur (transit in Government Engineering College (GEC), Raichur). As the mentor institute, IIT Hyderabad will continue to oversee the functioning of IIIT Raichur till necessary.

Fee Structure:


IIIT Raichur Fee structure – 2021-22




Fee (INR)

A) One-time Fees



Admission Fee (Non-Refundable)



Alumni Fee



ID Card and Certificate fee



Library Fee






Training & Placement


Total (A)




B) One Time Refundable Deposit

(Includes library, laboratory, hostel, and mess security deposits)




C) Fee for Each Semester



Tuition Fee



Other Fee (IT charges, Exam fee, Sports fee, Institute maintenance, etc.)


D) Student Welfare Fund (Not Fee)




Total of C & D




E) Hostel & Mess Charges for Each Semester



Mess & Hostel Charges (License fee, electricity, water, dinning and other charges)



Hostel & Mess Establishment and Amenities Charges


Total (E)





F) Medical Insurance (Per Annum)







  1. The semester fee structure is for 6 months instead of a semester of 4 months.
  2. *The dining charges are calculated assuming Rs. 100.00 per day for 5 months and the balance will be adjusted once a semester. Mess charges will be as per actuals. If a student is not on campus during vacation the balance amount of mess charges collected will be adjusted or refunded to the student at the beginning of next semester.
  3. ** The medical insurance covered is Rs 2.0 Lakhs. Insurance Premium is subject to revision.



Institute and Hostel Fee payable through State Bank collect.


Link: https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm


Academic Structure:

IIIT Raichur started its academic activity in August 2019 with its first batch of 30 BTech students in Computer Science and Engineering. The intake will be 50 for this year, 2021-22.


Due to covid-related issues this year, the first two semesters will be appropriately restructured from the standard pattern.


The 4-year BTech program in the dept. of CSE is concerned with theoretical and practical aspects of computing. Theoretical aspects include algorithms and their analyses, data structures and their uses in software, theory of automata, formal languages and computation. The engineering aspects include various topics in systems such as architectures of computers, programming languages, operating systems, design of databases, computer networks and application software. IIITR is introducing “Semester Internship”, a semester-long internship program as an integral part of curriculum carrying credits along with the regular Summer Internship.


_IIIT Raichur has implemented a very novel academic program, referred to as, Fractal Academics – the key idea is to atomize courses, provide breadth and depth, emphasize courses in liberal arts as well as creative arts, emphasize project work, and create an interactive learning ambience. A typical 3 lecture course has 3 credits leading to 42 lecture hours in a semester. Fractional credits can be 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 having 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 lecture hours, respectively.


The fractal academic program is a novel holistic approach to undergraduate teaching. It has multiple goals among which fostering undergraduate research, interdisciplinary learning and encouraging creativity are the primary ones. In the first year of study, students are introduced right away to a wide gamut of courses not only from the engineering spectrum but also from science and liberal arts. This is aimed at giving the students a flavor of various engineering disciplines in addition to whetting their appetite for the science, creative and liberal arts. In the second year, an in-depth study of the core engineering courses is undertaken. This is designed to firm up the students' foundations in fundamental areas of their chosen branch. In the third year of study, students are encouraged to pick an area of their choice (within their branch) and take relevant elective courses. By the end of the third year, the students are primed to take on challenging research projects. The final year of study is project heavy where students are encouraged to work on research problems. Through the study of liberal and creative arts, it is hoped that students appreciate non-technical disciplines which in turn should help them become better engineers.


Gender-based and/or handicap (physical/ neurological)-based restrictions: None


The first round of interviews were done and 4 faculty members have joined. The second round of Faculty recruitment for IIIT Raichur is under process. The courses will be taught by IIIT Raichur faculty, with support of IIT Hyderabad if necessary. Students will be provided academic support and advice on all academic matters.


 All the facilities and amenities at GEC Raichur campus will be extended to IIIT Raichur as well.


Student Life at Institute:


All the facilities and amenities at GEC Raichur campus will be extended to IIIT Raichur as well.


Financial Assistance:
As per GoI norms
Recreational/Extra Curricular activities:


All the facilities and amenities at GEC Raichur campus will be extended to IIIT Raichur as well.


Academic Programwise Seats breakup:
Institute CodeProgram CodeAcademic Program NameState/All India SeatsSeat PoolOPENOPEN-PwDGEN-EWSGEN-EWS-PwDSCSC-PwDSTST-PwDOBC-NCLOBC-NCL-PwDTotal(includes Female Supernumerary)
Seat Capacity Female Supernumerary
326 4110 Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 15 1 3 1 6 0 3 0 10 1 40
50 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 10
(including "0" Supernumerary)
     Total Seats 19 1 0 0 7 0 4 0 13 1 50
50 0

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