
Type of the institute: Government Funded Technical Institutions
Complete Mailing Address: University of Hyderabad Central University P.O, Prof C R Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500046
Contact Person For Admission: Dr. Devesh Nigam
Designation: Controller of Examinations
Email: ce@uohyd.ac.in
Alternate Email: deveshnigam1@gmail.com
Phone Nos: 04023132101,04023010248
Fax No:
Mobile No.:
About the Institute:
The University of Hyderabad, a premier institution of postgraduate teaching and research in the country, was established by an Act of Parliament (Act No. 39 of 1974) on 2nd October, 1974 as a Central University, wholly funded by the University Grants Commission.
The “objects of the University” as envisaged in the Act are: “to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit and by the example of its corporate life, and, in particular, to make special provisions for integrated courses in humanities and science in the educational programmes of the University and to take appropriate measures for promoting inter-disciplinary studies and research in the University.”

The University of Hyderabad (UoH), one of the major institutions of higher education in India is largely devoted to postgraduate studies and is widely known for its excellence in research and for its distinguished faculty. The large campus located near Gachibowli, which is the IT hub of Hyderabad, has immense bio-diversity and is home to over 75 varieties of bird, not to speak of the lakes and rock formations which give the campus a natural beauty.

The University has built up a reputation for providing high quality academic training, and has been recognized through a number of awards: PURSE, given by the Prime Minister of India, a grading of A, which is the highest, by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The University is counted among the top 100 in Asia in many of its academic areas of study.

Fee Structure:
(1) Other fee (per semester): 4750/-
(2) Tuition Fee(per semester): 17940/-
(3) Student welfare/Union fund(per annum): 480/-
(4) Medical fee (per annum): 1200/-
(5)Student Aid fund(per annum):220/-
(6) Deposits (Refundable): 2125/-
(7) Grand Total: 26715/-

For further details visit: http://acad.uohyd.ac.in/downloads/PROS21.PDF

Academic Structure:
School of Computer & Information Sciences offers 5 year Integrated M.Tech course in Computer Science. For details of Course structure visit

Rules For Change Branch:
Not applicable
The School of Computer and Information Sciences (SCIS) epitomizes excellence in all the major functions associated with higher learning such as teaching, research, student development and curriculum planning. The strengths of the School are its quality faculty, innovative and flexible curricula with their unique focus on post-graduate education, state-ofthe-art research with a remarkably high number of PhD scholars – both ongoing and recently graduated, and highly open and transparent policies that foster a healthy student-faculty interaction. SCIS always stood for innovation and leadership in curriculum planning – having one of the oldest (from 1983) and even now one of the best MCA programmes; boldly proposing and introducing the M. Tech programme in Artificial Intelligence in 1986 to attract the small but growing number of undergraduates in computer science; and, in 2002, introducing the unique M. Tech in Information Technology (with specialization in Banking Technology and Information Security) in collaboration with IDRBT (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, a sister Institute of RBI) aimed at bridging the shortfall of trained computer professionals in banking and finance industries. The current research areas in the School include Computer Networks and Distributed Processing, Data Base Management Systems, Software Engineering, Computer and Network Security, Mobile Computing, Logic, Decision Support Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, E-Commerce, Geographical Information Systems, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognition, Natural Language Engineering, Speech Processing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Computer Forensics, Information Security, Image Processing, Heuristics and Meta-heuristics, Cryptology, Pattern Recognition, Vision, Parallel, Grid and Cloud Computing. 

For details of faculty see the following links:
The details of various services and facilities are available at

Financial Assistance:
There is no Financial Assistance/Scholarship for 5 year Integrated M.Tech in Computer Science course.
Training & Placement:
University of Hyderabad has a vibrant Placement Guidance and Advisory Bureau
For further details Visit:

Industry And Alumni Relations:
School of Computer & Information Sciences(SCIS) maintains active contact with both industry and research labs and participates in developing state-of-art computing systems. The School has initiated academic collaboration at an international level with University of Trento, Italy; Mahasarakham University, Thailand; Universite de Bretagne-Sud, Lorrent, France; Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Prof. C. R. Rao AIMSCS Institute; IDRBT, IIIT Hyderabad; ISI Calcutta and National University of Singapore, Singapore. The School has MoUs for collaborative work with NISG (National Institute for Smart Government), Anna University, IBM (ISTL), Hitachi Consulting and Altair Engineering to promote research and teaching programmes in Business Process Re-engineering and Middleware Technology. The School offers elective courses in collaboration with Hitachi Consulting on Service-Oriented Architecture and with IBM ISL on Big Data and Virtualization. The School has conducted half-day and full-day workshops/technology days in collaboration with corporations such as J P Morgan Chase, Hitachi Consulting and IBM ISL 
Recreational/Extra Curricular activities:
See the following links for details


Location and Accessibility:

Our official address:

University of Hyderabad
Prof. C.R Rao Road
P.O. Central University
Hyderabad - 500 046, Telangana State, India

University EPABX: 040 23130000

For all admission enquiries
please contact :
Dy. Registrar (Acad & Exams)
Tel : 23132102, 23132103
E-mail : acadinfo@uohyd.ernet.in
FAX : 040-23010292

How to reach the University of Hyderabad?

From RGI Airport

The University is 35 km from the Shamshabad Airport and can be reached by taxi (MERU tel: 44224422; or Easy cabs tel: 43434343) or by the bus operated by GMR. The Taxi charges approximately Rs: 600/- whereas by bus Rs.250/- you need to get down at Gachibowli and travel another 4 km by auto to reach the University. The University Guest House is about 1 Km from main gate

For details visit: 



Academic Programwise Seats breakup:
Institute CodeProgram CodeAcademic Program NameState/All India SeatsSeat PoolOPENOPEN-PwDGEN-EWSGEN-EWS-PwDSCSC-PwDSTST-PwDOBC-NCLOBC-NCL-PwDTotal(includes Female Supernumerary)
Seat Capacity Female Supernumerary
421 5308 Computer Science (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 12 1 3 0 4 0 2 0 8 0 30
30 0
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(including "0" Supernumerary)
     Total Seats 12 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 8 0 30
30 0

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