Joint Seat Allocation Authority 2024 (UAT Mode)

IITs, NITs, IIEST, IIITs and Other-GFTIs for the Academic Year 2024-25

This platform is designed to disseminate information/activities related to “Counselling, Admission, Results and Examination Services” offered by e-Counselling Division, National Informatics Centre (NIC) and other stakeholders like bodies/agencies using NIC services. The contents of this platform are for information purposes only, enabling the public at large to have a quick and an easy access to information and do not have any legal sanctity. Links to other platforms for various related services have been included on this portal for public convenience only. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of the contents in those sites. The hyperlink given to external sites do not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services offered by these sites.

This site is designed and hosted by NIC and the contents are provided by JoSAA.
For any further information, please contact JoSAA.